♥What's Cozy Corner all about?♥
We appreciate you stopping by. We are a website that provides you with information on everything
related to cozy gaming! We're here to inform you about both new and classic games as well as
anything else we believe you might find useful.
♥What exactly is cozy gaming?♥
Cozy gaming has really become super popular within the last few years. Especially since the pandemic,
people needed things to lean on and make them less stressed. So, came about the booming cozy game industry.
The whole point of a cozy game is for someone to relax and get away from their every day struggles where
they can forget for awhile. A cozy game is typically laid back with miminal combat, and relaxing mechanics
and a lot of it involves a wholesome story.
♥What's coming in the future?♥
We have a lot of stuff we want to add to this website. Some of these include a news section for news pertaining
to the community for cozy games, game reviews, and gaming products that we also suggest to enhance your cozy
gaming experience!
♥How can I help?♥
Sending us any recommendations, issues, or questions via our contact us page can help.